Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just a little catching up

Pure odyssey would describe the last few months. It has been a whirlwind of big mountain summits, intense snowstorms, wonderful life adventures, and many lessons learned. Basically it has been wonderfully crazy times in the mountains of Washington and the surrounding areas. I have learned all about springtime avalanches, and how to deal with clients when things go crazy. It is amazing how people react when everything around them is falling apart, then looking to you as the guide saying—what do we do now? I have been completely stretched and challenged in ways I never thought possible. I have had my physical and mental strength tried time and time again. Through all the failures and successes I have realized that I do have what it takes, I was made for this, and thank you Lord for bringing me through it all.

I have looked far and wide

I have loved strong and lost much

Some of the greatest lessons learned have come through the last few months.

I have realized I need to allow myself to live, love, and enjoy the life I have been given.

Be honest and straightforward about everything. It’s ok to dive in with both feet and wear my emotions on my sleeve. We only have one life to live; love as hard as you can, follow your dreams, and hold nothing back.

As humans we are capable of so much. The only desert separating the greats from the not yet great is the mindset to achieve. We all have what it takes to be great. We must let go and allow ourselves to be challenge, fail, and succeed. For it is by the greatest failures that we find the key to the greatest success.

I am now ¾ of the way through the Rainier guide season. This fall I will be headed down south to Red Rocks, Nevada for a Rock Guide Course and Aspirant Exam with the American Mountain Guide Association. This is the second course of three required to become a certified rock guide. I will be spending the entire month climbing, guiding, and training. Come and join me, I would love another climbing partner. From Red Rocks I will be headed to Mexico to guide Pico de Orizaba and Ixtacclhuatl. For ten days I will be climbing with George Dunn and a group of lucky clients. Follow our adventures on this blog as the days approach. After Mexico, it is time to do the snow dance, as the ski patrol season approaches.

Much luv and Peace.

Keep Climbing!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Glad to hear you have had a great season so far! Sounds like you are learning a lot. Drop me a line when you are back this way, I miss you and I think a fire pit at O'kane's has our name on it.