Monday, September 20, 2010

Take it to the Limit....

Or something like that. This week I learned that 90% of our energy comes from breathing. And on average we only access 10% of that energy-Thanks for the info Rob Bell-that kind of blew my mind. I also learned that we should be breathing from the belly in addition to our chest. I have been doing yoga pretty regularly for the last three years. In any Yoga practice, breathing is the main focus. When I breath more, I feel stronger, I feel like I can focus more, and I am truly more in tune with the environment around me. So today wherever you are, no matter how busy your day seems. STOP for thirty seconds and-just breath-it will make a life long difference.

Now the seasons are changing and with that come a bit of nervous reservation. My time on Mt. Rainier is almost over. Next week I will be heading down to Red Rocks Nevada. During my time in Red Rocks I will be taking an advanced rock guide course. This course is the second of three in the Rock Guide Certification mandated by the American Mountain Guide Association. The course will be ten days of both instruction and examination. The key to sending through this course with success will be to breath. I have what it takes to do well in this course; the times when people fail are when they forget to breath, they get nervous and fall or freeze up.

From birth to death we must all continue to breath. When life gets tough, just relax and breathe. When you continue to breath you can push the envelope and take life to the limit. I realize this sounds a bit hokey; we were made to live life to the fullest and live to our greatest potential. This is all possible one breath at a time.

Come climb in Red Rocks!

1 comment:

Kaleb said...

Lovin it bro, and stoked that after the climbing trip, you'll be at my house!
And I really believe in the breathing thing, been taking 15 mins of really focusing on my breathing before cross country workouts, gotta say its been helping me out.